Caledonia Junior High

First Day of Online Learning Went Well!

Families reach out for support if you  have questions about your child's schedule for online learning or if you need technology support.

Student schedules were sent out on Sunday Evening to each student.  Students have already been into to google classrooms and have practiced google meets so they should be ready to jump online.

Information was sent to families about learning online on Monday.

What does a day look like.

  • Students join classes at their regular school time so 8:45 am. Teachers take attendance. Students go to their google classrooms and join the google meeting to receive direct instruction from their teacher. They have 15-30 mins of direct instructions and then they have time to ask questions or work in small groups on on their google classroom assignments.
  • Then students are given time to go grab a snack, use washroom and to  join the next classroom. They sign into the that google classroom and we start the online learning all over again.

We saw looks of students today and teachers communicate with students in their google classrooms so up coming information, lessons and assignments are located in their classrooms.

We got this! Online Learning