Caledonia Junior High

Dance Tickets/ Band Concert/GSA

Winter Dance


We will be hosting a dance for Caledonia Students only. ( no sign ins). The cost will be $5.00 to cover the cost of the DJ.  The dance will be from 6-8pm on December 15, 2022. Dance tickets will go on sale online and in the main office on December 5, 2022.  Thank you to the Dance Committee and staff for organizing this extra curricular opportunity for students.



We have a GSA at Caledonia Junior High. They meet every Monday at lunch in Ms Crowell's room. There are many teacher advisors supporting the GSA.

Band Concert.

We will be holding our Winter Band Concert on December 7, 2022. It will be 6pm and will run between 30 mins and 45 mins. Families of band students are welcome to attend.