Caledonia Junior High

Cell Phone Use 2019-2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Effective September 5th, 2019 Caledonia Junior High will be going personal device tech free. This includes any device (phone, iPod, gaming device, etc.) that can connect to the internet and/or access social media.

Students who use laptops or Chromebooks to support their learning will not be impacted by this. At Caledonia we are lucky to have a better than 1:2 ratio of Chromebooks to students in our building, and will be purchasing additional Chromebooks moving forward.

The expectation is that cell phones/devices will be kept in lockers when students arrive at school and that they will not be seen or heard during class time. If a student is using their phone during class (i.e.: texting, on social media, checking the time, using it as a calculator, etc.), they will be asked to deliver it to the office. Phones will be kept in a secure location until the end of the day for first and second offences. The third time, students will need a parent or guardian to come and collect their device.

We hope to see an increase in student engagement and achievement, and to create a more positive school climate that supports everyone’s well-being. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email.

Thank you for your support,

Lisa and Michelle