Caledonia Junior High

Access to School - Specific Details to Follow


We know there is considerable interest in retrieving personal belongings from our school.

Access will start the week of June 8 to coincide with the end of formal learning on June 5. Students will have an opportunity to return school items while at the same time pick up their personal belongings.

Starting next week, school staff will have access to the school to prepare for the collection of students’ personal belongings.

Access will be by appointment only. We are currently working on a plan to provide access while ensuring we adhere to Public Health guidelines to protect everyone’s safety.
We will share details of our plan with you no later than Wednesday, May 27th. This will include information on how you can book appointments. When possible, we want to limit access to the building to one person per family but recognize some students will require assistance. In those circumstances, a student can be supported by one family member.

Thank you for your patience as we develop our plan. Take care and stay safe.

With thanks,
Lisa Vaughan